Thursday, June 30, 2022


An issue was discovered in TitanFTP (aka Titan FTP) NextGen before 1.2.1050. When installing, Microsoft SQL Express 2019 installs by default with an SQL instance running as SYSTEM with BUILTIN\Users as sysadmin, thus enabling unprivileged Windows users to execute commands locally as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, aka NX-I674 (sub-issue 2). NOTE: as of 2022-06-21, the 1.2.1050 release corrects this vulnerability in a new installation, but not in an upgrade installation. (CVSS:7.2) (Last Update:2022-06-29)

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Columbus won't explain critical cyber service outage hampering 311 for days - The Columbus Dispatch

Columbus won't explain critical cyber service outage hampering 311 for days  The Columbus Dispatch